Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blooms of flower

If you haven't already noticed, what I have done here are back-posting, for a lack of a better word. :) To make this journey of baking meaningful, I decided to post all my endeavors with these sugary stuff. Maybe, one day, Abigail, will get to follow me on my blogs and discover what Mommy has been up to while Abby is sleeping or watching her favorite shows.

It is our very privilege that we get to walk with our dear friend, Zori, through her life journey to the marriage altar ... its the moment, when all women will go crazy with all the details in wedding planning, and fine tuning things to the Tee. Despite all the craziness, it is indeed a time of bliss to see when 2 people becomes 1. To accept each other in riches or poorer, in sickness or health. oh, those deep words, are not to be taken lightly.

Having said that, Sylvia and I are excited to be hosting her bridal shower at work. Its supposed to be a hush-hush event, but i guess, there is no doubt this little curious George over in the corner, did not already guess that there is something cooking up for her.

One of my duties, is to provide the gifts for all our coworkers who attended the event. To go along with the flower theme, I decided to go wild on the sugary blooms!
Now, friends, these blooms are definitely very memorable..I just couldn't forget the drama behind the scenes to produce such blooms..:)

With a toddler at hand, concocting sugary treats are always a late night production for me, after Abby hits the cot! It was around 11 pm, when Iam baking the cookie batches by myself in the kitchen..when suddenly, I jumped up at the shrilling sound of the alarm!! Clouds of smokes are slowing filling up my kitchen from the oven, and this alarm is just very persistent! Deciding quickly what to do first, before waking up Abby, and the entire sleeping neighbourhood, I quickly opened the balcony doors, and opened the oven slightly. Bad move..It got even louder.Yikes! and on top of the alarm sound, I hear Abby Wailing! Where is my husband, why isn't he coming to my rescue?? I suddenly remembered, he once told me to use a damp cloth to fan the smokes off the source. Quickly, I ran to get the cloth and stood on the stairs, and start fanning away the smokes frantically...come on, stop it already...I really don't need to get this much attention at night.

Finally, the sound was off, and I quickly assessed Abby upstairs. When everything has calmed down, I opened the oven to find the culprit! the wax paper is causing the smokes! go figure..why didn't that occur to me before? lesson learned: there is a difference between parchment and wax paper..

Decorating the cookies, was definitely more fun than the baking part.

It was a pleasure to see the sugary blooms in the middle of the night.

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