Thursday, July 29, 2010

Power Rangers

Its funny how, I have been doing pretty much everything related to girls and Abby, and suddenly, I am switching gears to superheroes.. Well, Superman, is an easy feat, but power rangers..seems like familiar characters, but it was somewhat a learning curve for me..Things that popped in my head are..Is it 5 or 6 individuals, and what colors exactly?? i thought i remembered pink and yellow being my favourite colors, but wait, isn't that voltus 5??, i decided to seek "counsel" from my very reliable friend..Goggle..and i got even more confused! why are they wearing different shirt designs and head gears?? Are they more than one series of power rangers..*think*think** this point, i wish there is a power rangers dummy guide..summary page explaining everything about this characters for me..ha!

So, to simplify things, i had asked the mommy for her son's 3 favourite colors, instead of playing guessing games as to which ones are the main characters. Red, blue and Yellow..and while i was doing all these characters, came along Abby and after taken a look at the colors, she frowned and said, there is no green color mommy, i want green color robot, that's my, will forever be kids..its all about ME and mine! :)

So, here's to our power rangers cake in a downtown skyscraper facade! Cheers to being 3!!

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